Town: Knardsford


Example Sylvin architecture.
StateSylvanian Empire
ProvenceLuqian Kingdom
Sub ProvenceFiyfulok Hold
RegionSchyrel Fton Shrublands
Community LeaderLord Lobordes Fyèlëm Lyons Loomis
Area5 km2 (2 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp15°C (59°F)
Average Elevation1948 m (6391 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation241 cm/y (94 in/y)
Population Density248 people per km2 (622 people per mi2)
Town AuraMysticism
Native nameKnardsford
Pronunciation/knardsford /
Direct Translation[Translation Unavailable]
Translation[Not Yet Translated]

Knardsford (/knardsford / [Translation Unavailable]) is a subtropical Town located in Fiyfulok Hold, Luqian Kingdom, within the Sylvanian Empire.

The name Knardsford is derived from the Sylvin language, as Knardsford was founded by Lobordes Fyèlëm Lyons, who was culturaly Sylvin.


Knardsford has a yearly average temperature of 15°C (59°F), with its average temperature during the summer being a warm 26°C (78°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a cold 5°C (41°F). Knardsford receives an average of 241 cm/y (94 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of snow during the pleasantly short winter months. Knardsford covers an area of nearly 5 km2 (2 mi2), and an average elevation of 1948 m (6391 ft) above sea level.


Knardsford was founded durring the late 11th century, by Lobordes Fyèlëm Lyons. The establishment of the new community went well, with no major obsticles durring construction.

Knardsford was built using the conventions of Sylvin durring the late 11th century. Naturaly, all settlmentss have their own look to them, and Knardsford is no diffrent. The town's buildings feature plaster covered brickwork used to form structures with an emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry and the regularity of parts. Orderly arrangements of columns, pilasters and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches, hemispherical domes, niches and aediculae can be found everywhere such that only size of building and yard can be used to measure the general prosparity of a given building's owners due to a general wealthy feeling the style gives off.

Knardsford is is constructed arround a series of premissive baked earthen mainstreets which form concentric circles, with smaller strait roads linking the circiles to each other at varrious points. The town is the proud owner of a properly designed set of renforced walls made from mighty querried stone blocks. Their construction and material choices would make a dwarf weap with joy, for each and every part of the elaborate fortifications are purly functional and robust well byond reason. Even nonexperts can tell the walls are an excelent defencive structure. The town's exceptionaly well made fortifications are visibly old, but also obviously maintained semi-regularly. Its likly the local malishia or garrison are tasked with ocasional mantance of the towns defences.

Right off the bat Knardsford hits you in the face with its success. Everyone, even the peasants, are dressed in well made clothing. Every tool and implement you can see is finely made, and people will boast to you as obvious strangers of the wonders which can be found in their markets. More interestingly is a total lack of beggars, and plenty of new buildings are going up even as you speak. Somehow this town has come into quite a lot of wealth, and recently from the looks of things. Precisely how it has gained its wealth is a mystery. Knardsford is, in a word, disorder. People seem to be allowed to do as they please with little harmoney to anything. It feels less like a town, and more like a spot people just happened to place their homes. Yet there are small elements here and there which show the underlying structure of the community. It’s just so complex, organic, and flowing one can only understand what is a piece of the puzzle, but not what its neighbors are.

Civic Infrastructure

Knardsford has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within Knardsford .

Knardsford has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.

Knardsford has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.

Knardsford has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain Knardsford 's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.

Knardsford possesses an older civil lighting system consisting of street lamps. These lights provide nighttime illumination to most city streets.

Knardsford has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands.

Knardsford has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.

Cultural Notes

The locals are in a state of despair and dull apathy. They've lost the things that used to give them pride and hope, with the best among them carrying on out of habitual duty and the worst giving ready hands to shameful deeds and ignoble acts. No one really believes the future can be better, and most seek only to satisfy immediate appetites.

Knardsford 's chapel was built using a different architectural style from the rest of the town. The style used is admittedly strange and non-linear style rooted in defiance of symmetrical shapes. It championed the creation of buildings with a unique visual appearance. the structural norms of classic buildings and deforms or moves away from elementary architectural principles. By including non-linear designs processed into its buildings and favoring fragmentation, this style expressed a form of controlled chaos. Its buildings appear out-of-the-ordinary, draw the eye in immediately and sometimes create a feeling of strangeness. These distorted shapes and structure are not reserved to the building’s outer facade, they destabilize interior elements too, favoring minimalism and play on people’s perceptions by injecting a futuristic touch.

In Knardsford the water is caffeinated.

The Oni, Ja Noi near Knardsford are known to be a mutant strain of the creature.

Knardsford 's citizens partake in a curious ritual relating to their local kami. It takes place in winter and involves bloodletting to channel Mysticism energies of tier 1 via throat singing.


The following information was obtained via the Imperial Census Bureau as part of the Eyom Economic Outreach Program. It differs from Standard Imperial censuses in that many of Tom's citizens, regardless of culture, work in more than one occupation or hold more than a single job. The Imperial Census Bureau has ruled that a job is a job, hence, the intigers within the data presented here can count an individual more than once.


  • Dairy Farmers: 2
  • Farmers: 3
  • Farm Laborer: 8
  • Hunters: 3
  • Milk Maids: 3
  • Ranchers: 1
  • Ranch Hands: 3
  • Shepherds: 2
    • Farmland: 5050 m2
    • Cattle and Similar Creatures: 311
    • Poultry: 3732
    • Swine: 248
    • Sheep: 12
    • Goats: 2
    • Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 124


  • Arms and Toolmakers: 2
  • Blacksmiths: 2
  • Bookbinders: 1
  • Buckle-makers: 1
  • Cabinetmakers: 2
  • Candlemakers: 4
  • Carpenters: 4
  • Clothmakers: 3
  • Coach and Harness Makers: 1
  • Coopers: 2
  • Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 1
  • Copyists: 1
  • Cutlers: 1
  • Fabricworkers: 2
  • Farrier: 8
  • Glassworkers: 4
  • Gunsmiths: 2
  • Harness-Makers: 1
  • Hatters: 2
  • Jewelers: 1
  • Leatherwrights: 3
  • Locksmiths: 1
  • Matchstick makers: 1
  • Musical Instrument Makers: 1
  • Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Paper Workers: 1
  • Plasterers: 1
  • Pursemakers: 2
  • Roofers: 1
  • Ropemakers: 1
  • Rugmakers: 1
  • Saddlers: 2
  • Scabbardmakers: 2
  • Scalemakers: 1
  • Sculptors, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Shoemakers: 1
  • Soap and Tallow Workers: 4
  • Tailors: 6
  • Tanners: 1
  • Upholsterers: 1
  • Watchmakers: 1
  • Weavers: 4


  • Beer-Sellers: 1
  • Booksellers: 1
  • Butchers: 3
  • Chandlers: 3
  • Chicken Butchers: 3
  • Entrepreneurs: 1
  • Fine Clothiers: 3
  • Fishmongers: 3
  • Potion Sellers: 2
  • Resellers: 5
  • Spice Merchants: 1
  • Wine-sellers: 2
  • Wheelwright: 1
  • Woodsellers: 1

Service workers

  • Bakers: 5
  • Barbers: 5
  • Coachmen: 1
  • Cooks: 5
  • Doctors: 2
  • Gamekeepers: 2
  • Grooms: 1
  • Hairdressers: 4
  • Healers: 3
  • Housekeepers: 3
  • Housemaids: 6
  • House Stewards: 4
  • Inns: 1
  • Laundry maids: 2
  • Maidservants: 4
  • Nursery Maids: 2
  • Pastrycooks: 4
  • Restaurateur: 4
  • Tavern Keepers: 4

Specialized Laborer

  • Ashworkers: 1
  • Bleachers: 1
  • Coal Heavers: 2
  • In-Town Couriers: 2
  • Long Haul Couriers: 2
  • Dockyard Workers: 2
  • Hay Merchants: 1
  • Leech Collectors: 3
  • Millers: 3
  • Miners: 2
  • Oilmen and Polishers: 1
  • Postmen: 2
  • Pure Finder: 1
  • Skinners: 3
  • Tosher: 1
  • Warehousemen: 4
  • Watercarriers: 2
  • Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 3

Skilled Laborers

  • Accountants: 1
  • Alchemist: 1
  • Clerk: 2
  • Dentists: 1
  • Educators: 3
  • Engineers: 1
  • Gardeners: 1
  • Plumbers: 1
  • Pharmacist: 1

Civil Servants

  • Adventurers: 1
  • Bankers: 1
  • Civil Clerks: 2
  • Civic Iudex: 1
  • Exorcist: 3
  • Fixers: 1
  • Kami Clerk: 2
  • Landlords: 2
  • Lawyers: 1
  • Legend Keepers: 2
  • Militia Officers: 8
  • Monks, Monastic: 4
  • Monks, Civic: 3
  • Historian, Oral: 2
  • Historian, Textual: 1
  • Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 2
  • Priests: 4
  • Rangers: 1
  • Rat Catchers: 1
  • Scholars: 1
  • Spiritualist: 2
  • Storytellers: 4
  • Military Officers: 4

Cottage Industries

  • Brewers: 3
  • Comfort Services: 4
  • Enchanters: 1
  • Herbalists: 1
  • Jaminators: 3
  • Needleworkers: 3
  • Potters: 2
  • Preserve Makers: 3
  • Quilters: 1
  • Seamsters: 6
  • Spinners: 3
  • Tinker: 1
  • Weaver: 3


  • Actors: 1
  • Bards: 1
  • Dancers: 1
  • Engravers: 1
  • Glaziers: 1
  • Inlayers: 1
  • Musicians: 3
  • Playwrights: 1
  • Sculptors, Art: 1
  • Wood Carvers: 4
  • Writers: 4

Produce Industries

  • Butter Churners: 4
  • Canners: 3
  • Cheesmakers: 4
  • Millers: 2
  • Picklers: 1
  • Smokers: 1
  • Stockmakers: 1
  • Tobacconists: 2
  • Tallowmakers: 2

372 of Knardsford 's population work within a Foundational Occupation.

773 of Knardsford 's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the local economy. 99 (8%) are noncontributers.

Points of Interest

Knardsford 's is something of a geological and arcane anomaly, as neither physical nor magical law entirely explains its formation.



In time immemorial, reportedly some time during the early 2nd century, Knardsford was attacked by savage ettins living nearby. The details of the conflict are hazy at best due to many conflicting accounts. What is known is Knardsford lost 140 people, 166 livestock, and 62 buildings. The conflict ended after roughly 224, when members of Knardsford 's militia enacted an operation to train a group of civilians for a special clandestine operation. The operation was complicated by at least some of the intelligence related to the operation was incorrect. The conflict ended with the defense of the temple against a siege, which ended in a crushing defeat for Knardsford 's forces. The war is remembered in legend by Knardsford 's bards, historians, and legend keepers.
